Tuesday 23 August 2022

King Island


Travelling tech lite and sans drone, the pic above of the causeway to King Island is courtesy of the Redlands Coast Info site 😊 

We left Wellington Point car park on a beautiful sunny morning, low tide and the causeway magically revealed itself. Off we went.

It's about 2ks round trip so a gentle stroll really.   There's plenty of space to sit and look across the harbour to the city. 

The mangroves and tidal pools are great and there's lots of bird life to be had as they hunt crabs in the little tidal pools.

You can circuit the island in a jiffy and there are  info boards that tell the story of a family that lived on the island in the early 1900's. The island is now part of the national park service and uninhabited. 

I imagine it would get quite busy on weekends but today there was just a handful of folks and kiddies enjoying the lovely day.

 A few shells collected and then it was  time to return to the mainland 😊

We walked to the launching ramps and wharf at Wellington Pt and there was a big Pelican cruising along. A couple of fishos tossed it fish off-cuts and it scooped it up - yum! We got chatting to local lady on the wharf who said yesterday there was a young whale just off the beach, darn we missed it by one day.  

 The birds here are terrific - their feather colours are spectacular. 

Last night at our local gym in the park we saw these great big white Cockatoo flying about,  in and out of house gardens,  having a grand old time, boy they can screech 😊

 Most days we hear the lovely song of the Butcher bird.

I had to look up Wikipedia. It looks like a Magpie but is smaller I think. Anyway they  get their name from their way of feeding. When they catch prey, they hang it off a branch or tree fork, and hack the meat away, like a butcher. It also hangs uneaten food in the fork of a branch or impaled on a twig (their 'larder') and comes back to eat the leftovers later. They have a lovely birdsong and seem so gentle in nature, at least the ones that visit our garden.

There is still one local farm selling lovely fresh produce.

 Another fantastic day in the lucky country.

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