Friday 10 May 2024


 9 May 2024

Another hot day, in fact hotter than yesterday with some inland walking, so no sea breeze, ouch! The locals had painted a big Camino arrow on the road to ensure you didn't miss the way 😁

Today we walked along Praia de Estela, through Apulia, Fao, Esposende and our final destination was Marinhas.

The coastal walking was lovely. We set out early and it was good too see the local folks out on the beach boardwalk too and as we passed we traded 'bom dia's', good morning greetings.

We were thankful for the morning cloud cover as the track went inland. It was hard underfoot with little stone cobbles, I felt every cobblestone! 

We had a rest break at the lovely chapel of Apulia and used the restroom there. What a sweet wee place, beautiful peaceful garden and lovely simple chapel. 

The inland walking , on the blasted stone cobbles, was pretty much through a horticultural area. The planting was pristine, never seen such straight rows and weed-free fields. We did notice the farmers were all pretty old,  looked retirement age but out there working hard and it's not easy work. Not a young farmer to be seen. 

Well earned lunch break at Esposende, the cloud cover had gone and it was flaming hot. Out came the safari type sun hats with the back neck cover - looked daggy I'm sure,  but very necessary as you could have fried an egg on the marble paving. 

Esposende turned on the  charm - cute little lanes, outdoor cafes, more chapels and churches than you could throw a stick at and  wonderful public art - we liked it this time round without the rain 😁.

Still more walking after lunch. Lots of interesting homes, some with the blue tile and some just tumbling down.

Back to the coast for the last push to Marinhas. Maybe the beer at lunch wasn't such a good idea. 

Stunning fortifications and sculptures as we left the town and Esposende port. 

Just to test our stamina as we turned away from the coast to our hotel,  inland a short way,   the  path turned back into tiny  stone feet were protesting and spirits were flagging. 

However after a shower and obligatory sock washing (remember we are travelling light and keeping our backpacks under 10kg) we could admire the view over the fields and down to the sea. Maybe the glass of fizz helped too.

Another good day unplugged from tech, just  walking in nature, watching out for the trail markers, chatting to others on the path from all over the world, testing your stamina and being with your thoughts. 


  1. Well done. It must be torture 😭😜

    1. My feet hurt at the end of the day😬
