Sunday 30 June 2024

Russian River rodeo

 23 June 2024

We were lucky enough to experience a little bit of a 'real deal' rodeo while camping at the Russian River. 

We had the most perfect campsite beside the river, gorgeous spot.

The rodeo turned out to be fully sold out so we looked over the fence and got a sense of the event, it's like nothing I've experienced before.

We got to see real cowboys and steer wranglers, rodeo queens and the moving parts that make the rodeo tick - check out the size of the horse trailer!

The stands were full and in the hot, full sun. I think we had a better spot on the edge and in the tree shade for a bit.

Just across the road from the rodeo grounds was the local pub and it was pumping, the busiest day of the year they said. 

The band was playing some sweet music, people were grooving and a lot of rodeo fans and cowboys were quenching their thirst.

I chatted to these two cowboys, they were quite shy but happy to answer questions from a rodeo 'newbie'. They do this for their professional job travelling all across America.

The rodeo grounds were a real family affair with people from all walks of life and a really lovely relaxed atmosphere - just families enjoying time together.

They had a groovy hay bale/ corn kernel play area for the little ones.

If you weren't all gussied up in your country clobber there was no shortage of belts and hats on sale.

Never seen so many stetsons in one place, it was awesome. The gals behind the bar were fantastic, smiling as they worked like mad to serve the crowds.

Back to the campsite for riverside pre dinner drinks and on to Guernville for a bite to eat. We were seranded by a solo artist who did a pretty good job.

The bright lights of Guernville!

What a great day, so many sights, people from all walks of life, all getting along, not a spot of bother or hassle and the best western style hats ever! 

Fantastic day, one we won't forget in a long time, yeehah!  Thanks to Kevin and Michelle for doing all the planning and booking a perfect campsite. 

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