Saturday 7 May 2016

Rain, rain go away....

Saturday 7th May         Vila do Conde to Esposende
Distance: 22ks
Other  Peregrinos: 12 approx
Weather: Rain, rain, rain

More rain today. We set off in light showers but the sky looked really dark over our shoulders. We got a wiggle on to get as far ahead as possible and made the most of the raised boardwalks alongside the coast, easy comfortable walking.  Lots of people out rock hopping and octopus hunting. The coast line has a beautiful sandy beach and then rocky shore wonder the fish in the markets look so frsh.

This area is famous for its salted cod and you see it everywhere. Last night we had bacalhau for dinner and it was delicious. Not as salty and you would imagine and the fish is almost a thick meaty texture....cooked beautifully.  

The sailors have had their share of tragedies on this Atlantic coast. As we walked out of Povoa de Vazim there was a beautiful mural depicting a sailing tragedy and honoring all those lost at sea...very moving.

Friday 6th May            Perafita to Vila do Conde
Distance : 16ks
Other Peregrinos: 2
Weather: Misty, rainy

Overcast and light showers as we walked along the coast. Whilst beautiful scenery in the grey misty colors, you could just see this coast would be absolutely stunning on a bright sparkly day.  Lots of historic old churches, ancient Roman stone salting pits for salting and preserving fish for long sea voyages....they are still salting fish today!  We passed by a small fishing fleet, very traditional old style boats, crab pots and all the family involved in winching the boats down to the sea. We watched a boat come in, having to time the run in between the waves and jagged rocks, they winched the boat up to the top of the beach and straight away the cat jumped onboard and was ready and waiting for the fish scraps and mum and the kids all there to help out.

Stayed at Vila do Conde which on a lovely day would be stunning. As you cross the river you see a tiny circular chapel built in 1605 with clearly Moorish influnece and then around the corner is an old Roman aquaduct that transported water from the hills to the ship builders down at the river mouth.

(Remember click on the photo to enlarge it :) )