Monday 28 May 2012


Have walked all over Rome the last few days. Its loud, busy, noisey and full of tourists as you would expect but the monuments, museums and national treasures are breath taking. We were walking down a back street and came to a four way intersection which had four Bernini fountains, one on each corner...'quartro fontana via'...incredible. I love the fountains in the piazza's, the gelato is too good on a hot day and St Peter's and the Collosseum and Forum amazing feats of engineering and design and the fact they are still standing today after all this time.....its ......incredible. No wonder Rome is so full of tourists. Have noticed a much increased presence of Carbinari around from when I was last the train and metro stations.....all the major sites...I'm sure still a lot of sucessful pick pockets and the street traders selling knock off designer gear are down the back lanes doing good business. Another hot day in Rome, off to explore....some pics of Rome.

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